Dentistry Saving Your Healthy Teeth


General dentist

You ever been in a social situation and afraid to use your perfectly white teeth?

Probably not. Have you ever been in a social situation and afraid to use your perfectly pink gums?

Probably not. Have you ever been in a social situation and afraid to use your ugly, yellow, caffeine stained, nicotine stained, dreadful teeth? If you’re smart, you will. There’s little more in this world that’s as unattractive as yellowish teeth.

Did you know that 74% of Americans think that an unattractive smile will hurt them professionally? Or that 99.7% of Americans think a healthy smile is important?

It’s a sad state of affairs. A perfectly manicured smile is looked at as a sign of wealth and stature, of socially non-awkward conversations where the person with yellowing teeth, is afraid to even…*gasp*…smile.

What does that mean for those with unattractive teeth? Read on.

32% of Americans say they are concerned with the appearance of their teeth. That’s 32 out of 100 that may likely have yellowing teeth, stained with caffeine, filtered through nicotine and puffs of smoke, or even just yellowing due to lack of care.

While dentistry is one of the 10 most trusted an ethical professions in the United States, the majority of people don’t keep that yearly dental appointment. Some go two years without seeing a dentist and some even longer. That means years for plaque to build up, stains to build up, lack of care and maintenance to set it.

While major procedures may be avoided–hello crown replacement and gingivitis removal–the stains will still linger. Unfortunately, they will grow more and more as time goes one. Those thin layers of yellow will become thickened and hardened as more plaque-causing substances covers the teeth.

It is likely that you can avoid a trip to the dentist if you so need, though it is most important to see one if you are experiencing any kind of pain in the mouth, jaw, or teeth, even as the result of a simple cold liquid touching the teeth. Never hesitate to make that appointment as the pain could be as a result of a more serious problem.

But for those that are looking to do some self-care for their teeth, consider these three home treatment methods for preserving that pearly white good teeth look.

1: Never forget to brush

The recommended guidelines issued within the dental community, which basically encompasses America, is that you should brush your teeth twice a day–once at morning and once at night.

The one time at morning is important for getting rid of build-up over the night while you slept. While the one time at evening helps you get rid of food build-up that day. They are both important for overall wellness. The important thing is that a twice a day brushing habits rids your teeth of that first overlay of plaque. It can help.

2: Never forget to floss

The recommended guidelines issued within the dental community, which basically encompasses America, is that you should floss at least one a day, preferably at night. Why is flossing important?

Flossing rids your teeth of food and plaque built up in between teeth. The food can cause excess plaque and form into gross chunks which then form into bacteria. That bacteria can eat away at gums and become gingivitis. It’s important then to floss if you want to avoid major dental procedures.

3: Try over the counter whitening products

There are many over the counter whitening products that can be used to increase the whiteness of your teeth, typically by removing the first layer of plaque. This can be good for staining due to coffee or nicotine stains.

There are generally two types of whitening products, though more are coming out each day. There are the whitening strips, which stay on the your teeth for a certain amount of time, or the whitening liquid, which is like a mouthwash that you swish around for sixty seconds or so.

However, it’s always important to see dentists if your problem isn’t going away. Dentists can help you with preventative care, as well as any more serious issues you may have. Dentists, as said before, are one of the top ten trusted professionals in America. There are two types of dentists available: the general dentist or the family dentist.

Each provide dental services to suit your needs.

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