Are you considering becoming a dentist but have many important questions to ask, such as “What is dentistry school like?” Dental school life is similar to any other degree program. It includes a great deal of intense learning and hard work, combined with some stress along the way, especially if you get into one of the top dental schools. After all, dentists have to go through countless years of rigorous schooling in order to have the proper training and certification to take care of their patients.
Due to the high stress in dental school life, there are a lot of forums online where dental students can vent their frustrations or ask questions to others going through similar situations. The coursework can be rather strenuous at times; for example, you can easily have double the normal amount of classwork that you had as an undergrad. Since many schools recognize how hard the programs are compared to undergraduate work, they will typically pair you up with a second year student during your first year to help you get adjusted to the dental school life. It is incredibly important to start off your first day of post graduate school on the right foot, and having a more experienced student guide you will help you to do just that. As long as you put in hard work, focus on your studies, and dedicate yourself to becoming a dentist, you will find dental school life to be enjoyable.
Thankfully, dental school is not all work. Many schools encourage students to have fun and spend time with their fellow classmates or friends. At points during the school year, many dental schools will put on socials for the students. This not only helps students to lessen the amount of stress in their lives, but it will also help them to build lasting relationships with others.
Once dental school life is over, many of the newly acclimated dentists join the American dental association, which happens to be the biggest and longest running dental association. The dental ADA promotes good oral hygiene to the general public while representing dental professionals. It is a good place for new dentists to find mentors within their fields.
After dental school life is over, dentists can then move on to living a relaxing dentist lifestyle. This includes taking your education and applying it to your lifelong career. Whether you decide to open your own dental practice, or whether you decide to start working for an already existing practice in your area, your dental school training will always be with you.