Your smile means a lot to you. Why wouldn’t it? It’s often the first thing people notice when they meet you for the first time, whether it’s your new boss or a soon-to-be acquaintance. It’s how you greet yourself in the mirror every morning before you start your day. It’s your best tool when perusing the dating scene and traveling across the world. In a short, a beautiful smile is something everyone can count on to bring out the best in themselves and others. When that smile is threatened by nasty yellowing or lost teeth, however, it’s easy to feel your self-confidence following suit. Let’s take a look at the best teeth whitening products to help you never worry about your grin again.
Did You Know?
Before we delve into the best teeth whitening products and techniques, let’s take a gander at teeth in the United States and what everyone is currently dealing with. Studies have shown nearly three-quarters of adults feel an unattractive smile can actively hamper their career’s success. Yikes! Another one in four American adults will actively avoid smiling due to the poor condition of their mouth, covering their smile with one hand or even avoiding cameras entirely. Knowing this, it’s easy to move forward on how to cultivate a healthy smile all days of the year.
What Causes Yellowing And Brown Spots?
There are many factors that lead to unsightly yellow stains and brown spots on your teeth. The most common, particularly in the caffeine-addicted culture of America, is that of coffee and tea. While this doesn’t mean you should quit, it’s wise to switch up your drinking habits once in a while to slow the onset of a less brilliant smile! Another contributor to a marred smile is chronic smoking. Thankfully, the best teeth whitening products are able to get rid of these flaws and return your smile to its former sheen.
Why Do People Lose Teeth Prematurely?
Perhaps you want to go the extra mile and replace some lost teeth on top of teeth whitening. Nearly 75% of Americans are dealing with some form of periodontal disease. Yet more find themselves losing teeth prematurely because of a lack of flossing and brushing over a long period of time. Three million people have had dental implants in the United States and this figure is expected to grow by 500,000 or so every year. When you look into professional teeth whitening, additional services can also be provided to give your smile a complete overhaul.
What Are Good Habits I Should Have?
A little goes a long way! There are plenty of simple, good habits you can maintain to protect your smile. Daily brushing and flossing is absolutely essential, with the latter especially potent for its ability to get rid of hard-to-reach bacteria as well as loosen up tough plaque. Lighten up on the coffee a little to reduce brown spots and make sure to visit the dentist once per year to catch any gum diseases or root canals before they even start!
Should I Seek Out Teeth Whitening Services?
When your smile is drooping and you’re tired of its impact on your day-to-day life, it’s time to find a local dentist and ask them about the best teeth whitening products. A study provided by the CDC saw 60% of adults between the ages of 18 and 24 visiting the dentist back in 2014. This is surprisingly low, considering the health of your teeth can dip without you even realizing and can leave your smile stranded! However, additional studies have seen 80% of people seeing a major difference after having their teeth whitened by a dentist. A single session can do wonders and a few sessions can see your smile turned around for years. What are you waiting for? It’s time to shine!