What to Expect at the Dentist Office


Responsible adults should always stay on top of any health issues they may get, and this can range from skin care to digestive aides to getting hearing aids put in, and this also involves the dentist. Millions of Americans visit the dentist every year or take their kids there, and today, dentistry ranks as among the top 10 most trusted and ethical professions in the United States. All sorts of procedures might be done there to restore someone’s teeth and their health, and this can range from dental bridges to cosmetic surgery such as teeth whitening to getting a dental crown or fillings put in. Other times, retainers such as the Invisalign brand or others may be used to prevent crowding of the teeth, and crowding can impair dental health. What might dental bridges do for a patient, and how does crowding happen? What can be done to prevent it?

Fixing the Teeth

Sometimes, patients to the dentist’s office only need routine cleaning or checkups done, but other times, their dental health may be compromised and they need surgery or dental implants done so that their mouth of teeth can be restored to good working order. One way to this is with retainers, which are clear plastic cover sets that go over the teeth and help prevent them from growing incorrectly. The term “crowding” describes when teeth are unable to grow in their proper place because other teeth are obstructing them, and often, the emergence of wisdom teeth can cause this problem. Other times, misuse of one’s teeth such as excessive thumb sucking can warp them and cause crowding to occur. Wisdom teeth are often simply extracted when they appear and threaten the other teeth in the mouth, and retainers can be put in place to help ensure that a person’s teeth are growing in the way they should. A dentist can help a patient have a retainer made in just the right shape for their teeth, and this retainer can prevent the serious medical complications of crowding.

Dental bridges, meanwhile, are useful if a patient has a missing tooth, and a dental bridge can help restore a person’s full set of teeth for their smile, speech, and eating. According to Web MD, dental bridges simply bridge the gap between two existing teeth, hence the name, and dental bridges typically consist of the crowns for the two existing teeth, and false tooth in between them that will occupy the gap. The false tooth may be made of gold, porcelain, alloys, or other materials.

To get dental bridges installed, first the dentist will file down the two teeth near the gap so that crowns will fit over them, then impression of the teeth are made. These impressions serve as a reference for making the crowns and the false tooth between them, and until the bridge is ready, the patient may wear a temporary bridge. Then, when the proper bridge is ready, the dentist will do test-fitting and adjust the bridge as necessary, and may repeat this process a few times so the fit is exact and so the teeth have equal pressure placed on them. Once they are in place, such bridges may last 10 to 15 years if they are cared for and good dental hygiene is observed.

Everyday Dental Care

Whether or not dental bridges have been put in, Americans are strongly urged to take good care of their teeth in everyday life, and easy steps can be taken. Simply brushing one’s teeth with a good toothbrush and toothpaste can clear out sugars in the mouth and the bacteria that feed upon them, as well as the harmful plaque that these bacteria produce. Flossing can remove bits of food found deep within the teeth, and mouthwash can be used to clear out anything left over after that. People should also protect their teeth from blunt trauma, such as refraining from biting on hard items like ice cubes, and mouth guards should be worn to protect teeth from impacts while playing sports, or else teeth might get chipped or knocked loose. Good personal dental hygiene can minimize the odds of tooth damage or decay.


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