We all know what a dentist is, but do you know the difference between a family dentist and a pediatric dentist? Most people don’t. Keep reading to learn what a family dentist is and what they do. Family dentists see everyone from infants to adults, including those as young as one year old. Family dentists […]
Category: Home
What Kind of Content Should You Add to Your Dental Website?What Kind of Content Should You Add to Your Dental Website?
As a dentist, you might not be thinking about any kind of marketing for your dental office, but it’s actually really important. Dental marketing can be a great way to gain more traffic to your website and to your business. If you are having a hard time increasing your patient list, adding content to your […]
How to Use Marketing for Your Dental WebsiteHow to Use Marketing for Your Dental Website
If you own dental practice, it can be extremely important to have a great website for your current and potential new clients to visit. In order to make your website look amazing, you need to know the many strategies of digital marketing for dentists. In this video, an expert will go over some of the […]
Dont Let Your Teeth DecayDont Let Your Teeth Decay
Your teeth may be decaying right now without you knowing it. Did you know that most people don’t feel a cavity developing? Most people only feel a cavity once it gets to a rather large size. Tooth decay could be silently creeping up on you. However, there are some things you can do to prevent […]
What to Expect at the Family DentistWhat to Expect at the Family Dentist
This video is presented by Dr. Tommy Lee, a board-certified pediatric dentist with a practice in New Jersey, US. His practice is a multispecialty dental practice dealing with both adult and pediatric patients. In this video, Dr.Lee highlights the qualifications that a pediatric dentist in the US should have. Video Source A pediatric dentist needs […]
What to Ask Your Orthodontist Before Choosing ThemWhat to Ask Your Orthodontist Before Choosing Them
When you choose an orthodontist for the first time or you are in the process of choosing one, you may have a lot of questions. In this video, Dr. Nate, an orthodontist, will tell us what three questions your orthodontist has probably been asked multiple before. You can ask the top orthodontist in your area […]
What You Didnt Know About TeethWhat You Didnt Know About Teeth
The teeth are one of the most important aspects of the human body because they help with chewing and even speech creation. Not too many people know most of the things the teeth can do which is why they sometimes get careless and require dental surgery to fix issues that may arise from negligence. In […]