Category: Teeth whitening

Commonly searched FAQs about dental whitening answeredCommonly searched FAQs about dental whitening answered

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Dental whitening is a popular and gentle cosmetic dental procedure which is designed to improve the appearance of discoloured or stained teeth. While it is popular, very little is known by patients about having it performed by a professional dental team. So, it is common for people to have questions and concerns about the procedure. […]

Could Your Jaw Pain Be a TMJ Disorder?Could Your Jaw Pain Be a TMJ Disorder?

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This video is about a course on identifying and treating patients with orofacial pain disorders. This condition causes pain in the face and mouth. One in five Americans experience orofacial pain. The course covers different types of this pain, including temporomandibular joint disorders. There are also headaches and neuropathic pain. Video Source By taking the […]

With the Power of the American Smile Throughout Life, Oral Health is Provided by Some of the Best DentistsWith the Power of the American Smile Throughout Life, Oral Health is Provided by Some of the Best Dentists

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Dental care is one of the most important healthcare needs for the entire family. The smile is valuable to all, as a part of expression and emotion, as well as self-confidence. Therefore, the most important dental options include regular dental visits and quality family dental care for every member of your family. The smile is […]