So you want to be a dentist? The road to becoming a dentist is one filled with hard work and dedication. But with dentistry being one of the top ten most trusted and ethical professions in the United States, it’s no surprise that you’re interested in joining the ranks. This guide will discuss what you […]
Implants VS Veneers VS Dentures: What’s the Difference and What’s Right for Me?Implants VS Veneers VS Dentures: What’s the Difference and What’s Right for Me?
When it comes to taking care of our teeth, most people know the basics of what needs to be done. Most people also know that oral healthy and good hygiene are important, However, most people do not do enough to take care of their teeth and often up needed advanced dental treatment to take care […]
How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy and Looking GreatHow to Keep Your Teeth Healthy and Looking Great
Maintaining a bright, healthy smile reflects our overall health and self-confidence. Whether we are talking about daily oral hygiene or exploring professional options, understanding the nuances involved in keeping your teeth in top condition is essential. Numerous factors, ranging from diet to individual lifestyle choices, contribute to the health and appearance of our teeth. As […]
Could Your Jaw Pain Be a TMJ Disorder?Could Your Jaw Pain Be a TMJ Disorder?
This video is about a course on identifying and treating patients with orofacial pain disorders. This condition causes pain in the face and mouth. One in five Americans experience orofacial pain. The course covers different types of this pain, including temporomandibular joint disorders. There are also headaches and neuropathic pain. Video Source By taking the […]
Are Innovative Dental Plants in Your Future?Are Innovative Dental Plants in Your Future?
Do you feel unattractive because you have chipped, broken or cracked teeth? Are you missing teeth but not enough to get dentures? Having healthy teeth makes all of the difference in the world when it comes to feeling sure of yourself. It is quite difficult trying to express yourself with discolored teeth that make you […]
Taking A Look At Dentistry In The United StatesTaking A Look At Dentistry In The United States
The overall appearance of your smile is an important thing. For one thing, it matters socially, with more than 99% of all adults found in the United States agreeing that having a good smile can benefit your social life. Conversely, having a smile that has not been maintained well is something that can serve as […]
Your Guide to Invisalign, Dental Offices & YouYour Guide to Invisalign, Dental Offices & You
Choosing to get Invisalign braces is just the first step. One of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is who’ll walk with you through the journey, from when you have them installed to the follow-up appointments, up to the day you have them removed. You want an orthodontist with a proven history of […]